SBI - Project Uptech

  • a) Scheme Objectives
The objective of the project is expected to encourage MSME units to undertake energy saving investments in plant and machinery to reduce energy consumption, enhance energy efficiency, reduce CO2 emissions, and improve the profitability of the units in the long run.
  • b) Eligibility Criteria
The Eligibility criteria for MSME units is as follows:
  1. Investment in Plant & Machinery up to Rs 10 Crores
  2. Energy audit to be conducted by SBI approved Energy auditor

c) Scheme Details (Financial Parameters)

The components of cost of project are as follows: 
  1. Energy audit charges
  2. Consultancy fees for detailed project report (DPR) and implementation
  3. Cost of plant & machinery including the cost of retrofitting / renovating/ modification of existing items and monitoring system
  4. Charges for monitoring Energy Efficiency on long term basis
  5. The Registration fee for the scheme is Rs 5,000.
Stage 1 involves Energy audit and preparation of Detailed Project Report. The financing pattern for Stage 1 is as follows:
  1. Subsidy from SBI: 50% of the cost of DPR preparation subject to a maximum of Rs.50,000. 50% of this subsidy is to be reimbursed to the bank by Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) through Global Environment Facility Technical Assistance (GEFTA) subject to a maximum of Rs. 25,000.
  2. MSME unit’s contribution: Balance amount to be contributed by the units.
Stage 2 involves Acquisition / modification/ renovation of plant & machinery and establishment of monitoring system. The financing pattern for Stage 2 is as follows:
  1. Medium Term Loan Quantum: 90% of Project cost subject to Maximum of 1 Crore and Minimum of Rs.2 Lacs. If 90% of the Project cost exceeds Rs.1 Crore the balance amount is to be funded through bank’s normal loan schemes.

Interest: Benchmark Prime lending rates

Tenure: 5-7 years including moratorium period of 12 months.

d) Procedure to Avail the Scheme

The prospective borrower is required to submit the duly filled in application form along with the supporting documents as per the prescribed format, to the nearest SIDBI branch office. In addition to the information requested for in the application form, it may be ensured that the prospective borrower explicitly provides details of the energy saving potential of the project. This will be an important parameter for deciding the eligibility of the project financing under the LiSBI collects Techno-economic information about the Industry cluster. Thereafter, Survey and sample study are carried out to assess technology levels and possible scope for technological upgradation. Interactions with industrialists and other agencies are carried out and seminars are arranged to disseminate information. Unit-level studies are conducted by experts and suitable business plan and financial package for each unit are evolved. Where (Industry-level) product improvement/ extension work is indicated and is possible, intervention is attempted through support of Credit.

e) Contact Details

SBI SME centers can be contacted at the numbers mentioned in the following link:

f) Scheme details can be viewed at: